Todays a great lesson
I am reminded of what im suppose to do
I do not need anyone but God
Friends and family, this are mortal things
If any of you gets in my way, i will burn you from head to toe leaving not an atom of you
I will destroy hell 10 times over and i will destroy all who stands in my way
If any of you comes 10 metres radius i will destroy you personally
I choose my place to go and my Father goes with me
The weak must follow the strong
And the strong will not follow the weak
For so it is return Let it be done
Heres a short poem to tell the feelings i feel now
With all my heart and all my soul
Comes naught to this beauty behold
With your smile, i am refreshed
Its such a treat, therefore am i satisfied
Your presence alone is enough
to break the seriousness of myself
And with loving hearts shall we be one
Soon as long as the blessings of the Lord be with us
Daughters of the Earth and daughters of eve
Do not disturb your love
Protect her i shall from who dare harms her
My sister my bride, the beautiful water
Shall it seem to be so shall it then
With loving heart i say
I love you
Song mood: Revelations
Today was totally awesome, its just so beautiful that it can make a heart cry
I just feel so strong today
Bless the Lord dudes and dudettes
Xuan wen, wei wei, wee huat, and others i dont really know GOT BAPTISED WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!
Tomorrow im gonna dedicate my school to the Lord and everyone in it and I'll start my mission along with my duty
Song mood: Revelations, Crazy
1. Do the following WITHOUT complains
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged
4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this
How bout a little fun
favourite colour: crimson
favourite food: Western
favourite song: Any songs from God, Christian songs
favourite movie: Bam i dont have one
favourite sport: erm.....I play all sports so i dont really have a fav
favourite day of the week: SATURDAY
favourite season: WINTER!!
favourite ice-cream: Chocolate esp hagen daz, added choc chips would be even nicer
current mood: Radical
current taste: Sensitive
current clothes: Sleeping clothes
current desktop: Compac
current toenail: Im no girl
current time: 12am
current surroundings: my room, a little hard to explain
current annoyances: I have healed only one person today
current thoughts: Is water( i may have wrote her name earlier but i wont write it again till i want to) aliright? Is she safe?
first best friends: Veronica
first crush: Never had 1 really, 1st time i liked a girl? yeah but it was just oh ok then forget alrdy
first movie: Beauty and the beast
first lie: Forgotten
first music: Now we come together
last cigarette: i dont smoke
last drink: plain water
last car ride: just arrived home through taxi
last crush: i dont do crushes, understand that
last movie: Agent Cody Banks 2
last phone call: Father
Have you ever
have you ever dated your best friend: i guess so
have you ever broken the law: that was when i was young
have you ever been arrested: nope, pro huh? lol jk
have you ever skinny-dipped: whats that?
have you ever been on tv: yep
have you ever kissed someone you don't know: Nope, no way
5 things you are wearing: Night clothes( Dont ask for details)
4 things you done today: Sing, Dance, Played guitar,Train, study
3 things you can hear right now: Youth alive concert songs coming from my radio, com and handphone
1 thing you do when you are bored: go on a date
TAGGED: James, Liying, Cheryl, Sophia and Luwei
3 days of radical concert!!!!!!WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO
It totally rocks
On the 1st day even if the band didnt have the nature of praise God on the 1st day its ok. They at least opened up their hearts later. Pastor Chris Long was totally radical on that day and 2nd day.I've also met Paul and Ryan from the band and it was totally awesome. Ryan was the accoustic and Paul was the vocalist,manager and pastor. It was a great talked
On the 2nd day, everyone's heart were opened and changed. It was totally sweet and just plain beautiful. The Band totally rocked and when pastor Chris long made the altar call it was just a calling to join in. Im also glad that Joy managed to come on the 2nd day or she would have missed out a lot of fun and so is benadine(i think i spelt it correct, i think) anyway at 1st he wasnt allowed but on the 2nd day, Bless the Lord he was able to come in the night. Too bad the rest of my friends missed the concert. The night concert was totally radical and i danced my best that night. My heart was also changed and i've received my name from God. Jesus told me the meaning as well, it was just a heart changer. I dont feel needed to listen to anyone or follow anyone's ways of the world. I did not just sing because i could, i could feel the presence of the Holy Spirt come and touch us that night it was just awesome.
Also we had workshops on that day, Joy went for the radical relationships and radical talk on Mtv and i went for the vocal workshop and youth leadership workshop. The speaker for the vocal workshop was kaileen but we gave her the name or ka(the chinese word for card) li(Liying that I gained lots from that. Now i can reach the high e and f and onwards. (The high note G i can already sing, so no diff) but then i also know how to make my voice sounds really good and proffesional. Its just awesome. The radical youth leadership workshop was awesome as well. I got lots of tips and knowledge on how to be both a spirtual leader and a radical leader and to be a leader anywhere its just so awesome. Guess whose the speaker? Yep you're right its my pal Ryan.
On the 3rd day at church WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joy came but she had a terrible headache, i pray that my Lord God Almighty will heal her and protect her. Unfortunately she had to leave at the middle of the concert but i think she enjoyed herself and so did I. It was totally rad i tell you. But this time i did not overdo thank God. I also met a new pal of beiru(peiru, jk), rong hua. I also got autographs from all of them and i also got photos from them, not just them inside alone ah, im inside also
I'll show you them on my stickam(aka the wanderer)
Song mood: Crazy,Take It all, Take Over Me,All day, Follow, All of the above, Revelations(please note Revelations is by me and i'll put it on soon and that it is both use for sadness and happiness, in this case, happiness)
The last post i think i was drunk on coke
I got a craving and a urge to kill,beat,thrash,destroy
Some people annoys you real bad
since i will not say anything bad not shed blood
SONg mood: DEATH!!!!!!!
I really am ashamed of the flesh and human kind. People choose money over friendship which utterly disgusts me. As well as when it comes to survival concerning survival and frienships, people will always choose survival even if they have to kill the other in order to survive. It truly is unacceptable to me. Why would people injure or even destroy someone to bring themselves up.
I do not believe that one must take the road of evil to the top. There are 2 ways to the top, the easy way and the right way. Often, we are always tempted to take the easy way and out of the million, one will choose the right way. For those who chooses the right way, we will always be blessed by our Lord Jesus with many blessings and reward for choosing the right things. Unfortunately many of us do not know that. I urge you all my brothers and sisters in Christ to do the right things even though sometimes its the hardest, but we still have to do it. And for those non-christians, i urge you all too to try this out as you will soon find that what i say is true.
I've been thinking for a long time, if you go out into the world having lots of stuff like good looks, money, fame. Whats the point, im sick and tired of these things. I rather give my money to my cell than waste it on my comics and other stuff anymore. Whats the use of it if i dont do anything with it. I've also had enough orders coming up, although its enjoyable to have company, but i rather have real friends than those coming to me just of fame. Its fun to have lots of respect and company. For those who have this kind of priviledge like me, i would like you all to do the following actions with me to spread the good news and save them as well.
Lastly, money. What good can we use it for? Who clothes us, feed us and save us all the time. Is it money? no i do not think so. Money is useless, it cant buy us happiness nor can it give us satisfaction. Look at bill gates, tons of money but no satisfaction. Being successful is not like the chinese say meaning money. Im a chinese and relatives say that money=success but i dont believe in that. I say God=success. If i have Jesus on my side, money is just a pebble in front of me. Compared to my Lord what is money? its used to pave the streets in heaven. Its like dirt, worthless. I tell you forget money, seek after Jesus and God. Turn your minds back to jesus. Money is worthless.
That is all i have to say to you my friends, brothers,sisters and kin.
Song mood: Revelations
I tell you if my princess ever chooses to touch another person be it by hugging,kissing, or even dirtier stuff, my promise to her is broken and so shall her life be broken and soul utterly destroyed. But if another person chooses to touches her and shes is unable to defend herself, then that man no longer has any chance of living, as the flame will hunt him down and destroy him completely until no a single trace is left nor a memory is even there. That is now witness by everyone the law that was made by the promise of long ago. May that promise be fulfilled so that both water and fire may unite in peace. Two of the purest forms of long ago. Let none of us be stained. I have kept my promise since then, but has my counterpart kept hers? if she manages to find my blog, let her read this.
Back to today, badminton was quite boring today with fairfield as they werent able to meet up my expectations and chong yi ended up calling me scary. Crazy isnt it? Me scary, maybe in form 2 but others im just plain friendly.
From now on i promise i will never listen to the whims of humans, im completely ashamed of us always sinning including myself. I know that if im refuse to listen to these kind of ppl who try to soften me up, i will definately win without a doubt.
I see if i can have a look at my old mates before the hols end.
Im so looking forward to the Radical Concert WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh ya
Song mood: Revelations
you know im tired of the world
Heres one word of wisdom for you all to listen to
Quality is always better than quantity
I can tell you if i have tons of beautiful women but whats the use? I dont need such things neither do i want it. If among all these beautiful women there is a girl who is pure,sincere and kind and the rest are not. Its obvious who you'll choose right?
Its the girl of course. Foul language comes from a foul body. Evil comes out of the flesh not the soul. We then should not let our flesh control us but God. Who is the strongest? Of couse Jesus.
Heres a simplier version.
I have 10 chocolate chip cookies and theres one large chocolate cake. Which will you choose?
Obviously the cake. So dont always go after those who have lots on the outside but seek the ones who have lots on the inside instead.
Song mood: Tears in heaven
I still miss sister ruxiang
sometimes its ok to be plain
but sometimes shan yang gets annoying
I dont think i found a reason to reveal myself to the world for a 3rd time
i'll just let it be
Tagged by james to do this
well it doesnt really matter much cause i aint a choosy person
1)Chosen by God for the best choice is always made by God
2) Someone out of the ordinary, someone that stands out of the world for God
3) Must have a great beauty for people who see the beauty of her heart will feel ashamed and turn to God
4) Understanding and patient to listen to life troubles and stand firm in good decisions and ridding the bad
5) Must be the complete opposite of me yet identical
6) Should dislike boredom and be intresting for the both us so that we both can liven things up when things are down
7) She must be pure, untouched by other boys besides family, ( no hugging,kissing, dirty stuff, no friendly hugs)
No matter what i still feel responsible for not being there to help ruxiang when she was in a critical state. For that i blame myself for putting my goals above others. If i had another chance to face this kind of situations again, i will not make the same mistake again. Its just hurts so much, the feeling of being so helpless. I just want to revive them but i cant. It hurts just too much. Im not really looking out for anyone now cause theres just too much sadness and injuries in my heart.
Today at the funeral i shed my tears and it was painful. I still remember the blanket game where we suppose to say who the other person on the other end is 1st. That was one of my happy memories with my sister. Then there was the personality game, i also had lots of fun due to her and won the choc. Now every bubble in me is bursting and each time it bursts my tears just start to form.
Sadness, its truly near the end of time. I pray my Lord will protect all of us
I dont think im fit to protect anymore
Song mood: Sadness in the cave
Why do this things happen to me
I feel so sad that my friend has passed away. If I tried to heal her, it might work. but i didnt really put ruxiang as my top priority. Its my fault yes i know. During last night before she passed away i lost sanity and turned into my darkest side. I'm so sorry now and i regret it completely. If i stood there upon my Father's test, ruxiang might have lived. If i could call upon those people in other churches who had healing powers, she might live
But now therer is no longer a chance for her as she went to heaven.
I wish i just had the time to say the last goodbye to her.
As i realized in front of my com, all 130 personalities doesnt matter. I just want the power to protect and save everyone. Its painful to see those i failed to protect. I guess this is one of the ways my Father chooses to break me down. If i ever meet a situation like this again, i promise i will put them as 1st priority.
Song mood: Tears in heaven