Revival of the times, bring the explosion yo. Sync the heart, mind, soul with the Jesus Heartbeat yo

Hobbies: Sports,Guitar,Arts, Lord's will, conquering the world for Christ
Weapon: Fist,Sword, Lance, Bible, God
Radical Revolutionary Christian
17 going 18(young enough)
Church: The Lord's church
ROC - Revolutionary for Christ
Mission: Plunder hell and populate heaven
Hell's nightmare!!!!!!!!!!
Vessel of God!!!!!!!!!
Any questions call 91507254 and i'll answer it personally or email me at

I tell you this I am aganist every sinful thing you and I do, but i am not aganist the person him/herself
By the way, i aint part of no denomination anymore, its stinks. Im a Christian and thats thats no denomination.
And i'll work with anyone the Lord calls me to and thats includes EVERYONE hahaha

Until the day i reunite with my wife
So shall it be that the Lord and me will fight
Until the end, when my Lord comes
And bring me home with my wife by my side

To be the best and keep on going
Destroy hell
Destroy everything that has or is sin
Save everyone
Spend more time with water
br> Evangelise more
Pray more
Stand in the gap
Stand for the Lord
Turn to what the Lord wants me to be
Where my Lord is

Sin and evil
Metal and Heavy metal
That which is not from God
My sinful nature/ sinful nature(darkflamix)

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No greater love than this that he lay down his life

No greater love than this that he lay down his life for another.
You know i've been thinking, what is the fuel for my passion
Why am i able to feel the presence of God even when others may not
And We've found this
Its because i chose to keep my focus on God
Not on audible voices, not on songs or people
Cause this are worthless compared to spending time with Him
It doesnt matter how much fun i get,
It doesnt matter what kind of attention i get, but whats important is i keep my relationship the way it is always and forever with Him
And that will never change
My Father sees my action, the way i spend my time with Him is the way you see it
Whether you laugh or cry, it wont make a difference

Keep your focus and seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added onto you. Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself
Trust in the Lord and He shall lead you into His Presence

We know you say sure sure, you know this. But will you actually do it?
In school, in church, at home, in front of an idol?
Will you still do it even if it means making you uncomfortable?
Well it doesnt for me unless i think of it
So just trust in the Lord
Even if i feel the pressure, i still choose to serve my Father and no one on earth will ever stop that.

To all Christians, STOP looking at things from one point of view
If people can get stumbled about this, do you not think that there's people who will be curious about it?
Like what if they start asking, hey how come that guy does all this stuff, even if it may be embarrasing and it only happens at rock concerts. How come at such a kind of music, that guy behaves this way.

There you go, open door
Time to stand at the door and say, hey, come and follow me and i'll show you why

Hey if you faced demons and walk through the valley of death and more, i dont see why such a small thing could stop you.
Oh know its your first time.
I've been through that part too and its cool to be humble and admit
Its stupid to be prideful and keep it back
Hey i've been stupid sometimes, but will you surpass me at that point of time? or will you fall like what i did at that time?
The choice is yours

@8:35 AM