Revival of the times, bring the explosion yo. Sync the heart, mind, soul with the Jesus Heartbeat yo

Hobbies: Sports,Guitar,Arts, Lord's will, conquering the world for Christ
Weapon: Fist,Sword, Lance, Bible, God
Radical Revolutionary Christian
17 going 18(young enough)
Church: The Lord's church
ROC - Revolutionary for Christ
Mission: Plunder hell and populate heaven
Hell's nightmare!!!!!!!!!!
Vessel of God!!!!!!!!!
Any questions call 91507254 and i'll answer it personally or email me at

I tell you this I am aganist every sinful thing you and I do, but i am not aganist the person him/herself
By the way, i aint part of no denomination anymore, its stinks. Im a Christian and thats thats no denomination.
And i'll work with anyone the Lord calls me to and thats includes EVERYONE hahaha

Until the day i reunite with my wife
So shall it be that the Lord and me will fight
Until the end, when my Lord comes
And bring me home with my wife by my side

To be the best and keep on going
Destroy hell
Destroy everything that has or is sin
Save everyone
Spend more time with water
br> Evangelise more
Pray more
Stand in the gap
Stand for the Lord
Turn to what the Lord wants me to be
Where my Lord is

Sin and evil
Metal and Heavy metal
That which is not from God
My sinful nature/ sinful nature(darkflamix)

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Xup man
Its super hard being at this level, i tell ya
I get attacked often and my body is super weak now
I could easily collapsed any moment
Kinda stinks.
But you know what, if by this i become closer to the Lord God ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST
Then all the more am i glad that i am closer.
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves
What is your kind of pressure when you have yet to face mind,
If you think you're parental objection, school bullying, too much homework, homework too hard, no friends, ya da ya da ya da, and the list goes on
Be silent, you have no cause to weep
Not unless you go through every single one of them everyday + weak body, easy mental body additional with recovering immune system
Yet look at job from the bible
He had it worse that all you little whinners
I ought to slap you all hard on the face for complaining
Wake up and smell the roses, listen to His will
and all will bold well.
Then when you suffer or not, you will know that what you're doing is what is best for you

Knock Knock
Who's there
Bryan who?
Open the door first
You're late
No answer.......

Hey knights, i hope to see you at the prayer meeting tomorrow
ALL of you, including the young ones
No excuses man

@8:21 AM

Xup man
Its nearly the end of my hols so i just have a few words to speak

Even though what may come my way
As long as i am still alive
I will never cease to praise the Lord with all that i got
Regardless of my condition, regardless of the my surroundings
The Lord deserves the best and by no means will i cut my standards


@8:05 AM

Xup man
You know not too long ago, i had a dream about the future when i got a child to take care of
Hoo boy, tis was super hard
Driving cars, crying, feeding + taking care of the rest of the kids.
Aw man, its hard work
I tell ya. You know you guys and gals arent making it easier for me.
I know its hard to keep the faith and hard to keep your word
But its worth it, trust me.
My Father/ The Lord sees it
He knows, and tells me if i ask.
You know even leaders, i tell you no one you is having a nice holiday.
You wanna know why? you havent earned it yet.
The hols in heaven and there is no shortcut
You people working should know that you cant suddenly in the middle of the job run off to go to hotel and party. You got keep working until you're finished then you're paid right?
So is this life, you gotta face hardships, then you can receive the reward in heaven.
And it'll feel way more satisfying than anything.

Anyway this little job i got taking care of you guys and gals, including adults,children, women, and kids. Every little one, is the sheep of my Lord, and you people are my responsibility. If He's hurt, im hurt, He's happy im happy.
So stop complaining, i've been through what you are suffering with the Lord many times before. How? I was one of the worst kind of person anyone did. Nearly broke the 10 commandments, hurt my Lord real bad. For that i am throughly ashamed, but we will be here to help you.
Its only a prayer away to the Lord.
Pray to me, i come give ya a wack on your head for being dumb
Pray for me can, but not to me.

Get ready for The BOSS Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ is coming soon
Be on your guard.
You got anything bad, come find us

@7:08 AM

Xup man
You know many people have this kind of mentality of life
Born->School->Gradulate->Girlfriend->Sex->Wife->More sex->Die
You know thats the dumbest thing that i seen and know
I may have had that kind of mentality once, but its gone now. Thats for sure
If Einstein thought of it, he would have brought shame to the himself and his reputation of the word genius.
Its very funny how many scientists may have pHds, Master degree, speciality, skills and knowledge. But yet they do fall into the so called "circle of life"
Well i find it very dumb and disturbing that many people cannot see whats waiting for them
They do not plan ahead but what they do in their lifetime

Yeah sure i know some of you argue,
You were here to do good deeds,you were here to make a world record, you're here to have lots of sex and women.
I find it all disgusting, and i dont even need to participate to know.
You fools, even if you had all the knowledge in the world, you still wouldnt understand.

I tell you one thing. I am not here to find pleasure in the world. Neither am i here to work my butt of studying and earning money. Nor am i here to do good deeds. I was born not in a rich but just middle class family and may have been foolish in the past, but now i am ashamed of it.

If i stored up worldly treasure, it would be useless to me later. Rather than lose my soul for no reason, i rather store it up in heaven

Matthew 6:19-20
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, wher moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal
Matthew 6:19-20

Some of you may say o sure, i do good deeds, i got moral living. I'm from this religion. You know what, it only amounts up to nothing but rags.

Isaiah 64: 6
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
Isaiah 64:6

Dont tell me you got more that one life, thats plain rubbish. There's no second chance. Anyone who tells you they were this or that in other lifetimes. Rubbish, plain rubbish. Do not be deceived, my Father can easily see who you really are. You are either blinded or want to pull others along with you. We can see very clearly. I know some of you put up and act, just so that others may see. Some of join along because others are doing it and you want to fit in. In return you get the same reward as they do.
Tell me now, are you influenced by your past experiences that you can never let go and try to make others experience the same thing as you.
Are you trying to fit in with others who do whats is stupid?
Or are you just plain lost it.
Anyone who gives up life, gives up the Lord.

John 14:6
Jesus said: " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 14:6
Another thing that is really dumb. Throwing away life, you think its some kind of jokes. It goes out to everyone who likes to cut themselves, to be sucidal and hates their life. You think its some kind of joy ride, well time to wake up. You may feel the world is aganist you, you got nothing left, nobody loves you, you got no friends, everything is wrong. I tell you people now wake up and stop complaining.
1. You got friends, even if its not in the world, i will and the Lord will. Though sometimes i cannot be there always to support you. My Father the Lord Jesus Christ can( note this is not some stupid gimmick not is the blasphemous brazillian guy) always be there for you till the end of time. He'll be there when your sad when you're happy and even when you hate Him. He still loves you after that. You may think its funny but its not.

One more thing to clear before moving on. Jesus Christ is the Lord of all Lords and King of all kings who came down 2007 years ago from now(to be exact) to die for all our sins and went back to heaven. He is coming and soon. He is not some funny human who is on earth now. Anyone who claims to be is in danger of hellfire. For thats the price of blasphemy.

Dont be fooled by the world, for the world will only support you then turn their backs again you. If you lust after power, i say you're stupid. Whats more powerful and more satisfactory than having a relationship with highest authority, the ultima Creator of heaven and earth, who saw you as you grow up.

I tell you now, no amount of drugs, sex, women, men, food, friends will ever make you satisfied. I can assure you of it.

Now to the final part, i find people who say you understand until you try it. Thats the most wasteful amount of breath and words a ludicrous person will use. I tell you i need not have sex before marriage to tell you its wrong. Neither do i have to die to tell you what happens next. You wanna know why? Not because im smart, not because im wise, not because im crazy, neither because i full of knowledge. Its because He knows and tells me. You just gotta speak to Him and He will tell you. The meaning of life? Simple. To worship the Creator all your life. This doesnt mean bowing, singing, fanning all those funny thoughts you imagine of.
You know one thing, my studying , going toliet, speaking, i am worshipping. Why?
I give all to the Lord, worship is about lifestyle man not just doing all sorts of funny stuff.
I dont need to do get on my knees and beg. But i do it because i want to.

As people have a passion for sports, music, women, and yah da yah da. My dream and passion is to spend time with Lord. And i'll do it even if He didnt tell me( though i may forget sometimes) but He still reminds me,forgives me and just play with me.

Think about it, its only a prayer away.
By the way, prayer doesnt mean go ambababbambambambambibasosdkao with all kinds of funny words with thou, thee, dum whatever. You can speak like you normally do. Like for me, i go xup man, what up Lord. Just be serious and sincere thats be ok. You have to mean what you say, but the style, you need not be formal if you dont want to. Just listen.
If you got waiting problems, I waited 15 years to hear His voice. So dont complain


@8:25 AM

Xup man
I tell you the truth, no one can understand except the Lord
regardless of who i speak to, yet if you ask i will tell all that the Lord allows me to tell
If even my own parents cant recognise me or even understand me,
how can they help me
I tell them in plain fact and simple as possible but yet it doesnt work
I tell you all the truth, unless you can understand the Lord, you cannot understand me

When i told my friends a part of me, they could not understand. They were James, Ian and Jiehau. A few of my treasures that i keep with me.
I tell you, all the treasures of the world would i give them up unless the Lord tells me to.
The devil is here to ruin the world while the Lord is here to save you all
During todays discipleship, I learned many things, though many do not know.
I gotta thank my Father for this, for without Him, nothing would have been accomplished.

I wander across the world and have found none who accepts me for who i am.
My parents, my friends, my associates, my seniors, my juniors. None but the Lord has accepted me.
As i opened up, many call me crazy or stare at me with disbelief, but that i do expect. Cause its just human nature.
A main feature i realise is that humans are wrong and only the Lord is right. I realised that from the start of my life, the Lord has been testing me and training me. For that i am glad, for in me I find happiness.
You know many people find that what they like most is money, fame, wealth, sports, bands, music and the list so on. I tried nearly all out during my life. And i have found that my favourite hobby is just being with the Lord.
I tell you in my Father's house, i feel like im on holiday. Travelling round the world has its few benefits but it leads me to dissatisfaction. Only in the Lord i am full. And thats the plain truth

I just live with Him, not just the Master and servant mood all the time, but rather like a buddy buddy. I speak, He speaks, just like conversing with anyone.
As I fulfill what He wants to do, i know that it benefits me and those around me + HIM. WOooooHOOHooohohoho

One more thing now

@9:04 AM

As a child of my Father Jesus
I am completely aganist this kind of disreputable behavior
I really dislike people who come in the name of the Lord but are not from Him
This is complete blasphemy and hearesy
This is the worst nonsense i have
If i am called to go there i will personally stop it if my Father allows it

Go check this out
Interview with the false god and the beast 666

I tell you all including non Christians as well
This is junk, the worst kind of behavior on earth that is ever shown
Coming in the name of the Lord and falsely claiming to be Him
I really dislike with all of heart and soul this kind of people
Do not ever be fooled and follow
I warn you now, anyone who follows the beast will not receive salvation
It is said that all who follow the beast will follow it to its death
James 4:4
You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with teh world is hatred toward God? Anyone who is a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.
James 4:4

Anyone who is aganist the Lord is against me, and i will stand with all that the Lord provides aganist this people. Whoever is an enemy of the Lord is my enemy as well.


@7:35 AM

Xup man
Its really irritating when i see people speak of things that the Lord hates
Speaking of homosexuality, gossip, worldly stuff
It hurts me greatly as it hurts my Father
You know i wont stand for this anymore
Its my time now, and i wont let this occur anywhere in my vincinity regardless of who it may be
It does not matter a christian or not, girl or boy, president or roadsweeper
The answer is still NO

Now my time starts, its gonna be a whole lot different i assure you
And dont worry too much that i will change to a monster or your so called " robot"
I'll still be the same funny and fun guy but maybe a bit with the fun and the funny
While adding in a little serious and strict.

Its time i am able to use all that He gives me
In sports, studies, and social
Yay me

Now about the current events
Swim be on sunday 2pm
after tuition, good day to swim
As for shrek 3, i should be watching it soon
Give ya all a call when i do
And i tell ya all, watching it with friends and watching it with Bryan is 2 whole different things
well maybe, unless i become quiet then TOO BAD

Still there is still one unfotunate thing now'
I find that tv, games, com, books, stories mean nothing to me


@1:58 AM

You know i really dont like one thing
And that is when people worship me. I plainly dislike it with all my heart.
Reason? I dont like to steal glory from the one who is in me.
I tell you girls and fans, you like me? Go and follow the Lord first with all your hearts, mind and soul, then if you're lucky then He might let you.
I am really very sick of this kind of stuff,
Anyone who likes me will love the Lord
Anyone who wants to follow me must first follow the Lord Jesus.
Only by His will, may anyone come near.
You want to know me, know my Father first.

Sorry if you think this is harsh but thats the fact. Jesus 1st, me LAST!!!!
If you people must know, it applies to boy fans as well.
Friendship with me starts with the Lord,
when you know Him, then you will know what i am trying to imitate.
He is my Best Friend, Father, Master and Brother.
Find Him not me, I'm not important.
All glory in everything i do goes to Him not because of me, but because of Him
I am strong only because He is in me and supports me. and no other reasons.

I tell you its not that i dont like girls. In plain fact i do like girls.
But its my Father's will be done, no one elses
Your will? forget it. My will? forget it
The Lord's will? Of course.

Got the picture? Good
Havent? read it again
Time to hit the books

@6:34 AM

Xup man, i think im under attack
Time to fight
It feels so lonely on the battlefield
I know the Lord's with me
I dont know why i still have a part of human and free will in me
The Lord accepted my gft when i gave Him, why is it still with me.
Its surprises me so much.
My time for romance is still on its way here but till then its just the Lord and me
Friends? I cant really rely on them, knowing that they always fail me in everything
I know i am liable to fail thats why i gave up everything to the Lord Jesus cause He is perfect, He is the ultimate. I cant study well, i feel so tired like giving up
But it aint my standard neither its the Lord and its something i can and will never do regardless
Take heart and be strong my fellow friends. You dont know how lucky it is for the Lord to choose you. And I have never once regretted following the Lord. Not one of my decisions since i became serious have I looked back with shame or regret.
Its my honor, its my preveilage to work with the Lord.
And by so then will I keep fighting until my wife and partner joins me when my Lord, my Father wills it.
Till then i will keep fighting and i will keep leading His people from now till forever.
His will be done not mine for I am not my own but I am His forever till the very end.
That This is my pledge as long as He lives( it means forever HAHAHAHAHAHA)
Ok maybe shouldnt do the laugh, but's ok aint it?

YI start now and go forth, for the Lord is with you till the very end. Do not fall away or run from your duties or fears. Nows the test, keep the fight on, keep the faith. Its our responsibility to see the world saved and thats our job. Lets charge on


@8:15 AM

Xup man
I tell you all ladies and females including tomboy ones
I am not the type who will start relationship now
Now is the time of friendship, build that up and the Lord might put you in my arms who knows
But follow the Lord always, let Him disciple you and train you. Pick Him first and you might get me, other means FORGET IT. I aint no pushover
And yes i dont care how pretty or beautiful you maybe inside and outside
The time is not now, if you truly love me then put the Lord first, studies for now 2nd and then you may put me other then that FORGET IT

Apart from that, today's radical was just HOT and AWESOME MAN!!!!! The Lord touched me so many times. Hoooo Sexy man. I felt so blessed. I must and will never again let lust lure me away nor will I ever choose to put anything equal or in the list that aint from God.
Cause GOD RULEXXX( Z aint my trademark children)
I tell you all who read this blog
If you aint going, you'll miss out the powerful radically awesome stuff thats coming tomorrow. You may miss today but DONT MISS TOMORROW
TRIPLE G PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seek and you will find, ask and you will receive, Knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7
Be the initiator, lead the lost to Him
Keep the Faith


@8:23 AM