Revival of the times, bring the explosion yo. Sync the heart, mind, soul with the Jesus Heartbeat yo

Hobbies: Sports,Guitar,Arts, Lord's will, conquering the world for Christ
Weapon: Fist,Sword, Lance, Bible, God
Radical Revolutionary Christian
17 going 18(young enough)
Church: The Lord's church
ROC - Revolutionary for Christ
Mission: Plunder hell and populate heaven
Hell's nightmare!!!!!!!!!!
Vessel of God!!!!!!!!!
Any questions call 91507254 and i'll answer it personally or email me at

I tell you this I am aganist every sinful thing you and I do, but i am not aganist the person him/herself
By the way, i aint part of no denomination anymore, its stinks. Im a Christian and thats thats no denomination.
And i'll work with anyone the Lord calls me to and thats includes EVERYONE hahaha

Until the day i reunite with my wife
So shall it be that the Lord and me will fight
Until the end, when my Lord comes
And bring me home with my wife by my side

To be the best and keep on going
Destroy hell
Destroy everything that has or is sin
Save everyone
Spend more time with water
br> Evangelise more
Pray more
Stand in the gap
Stand for the Lord
Turn to what the Lord wants me to be
Where my Lord is

Sin and evil
Metal and Heavy metal
That which is not from God
My sinful nature/ sinful nature(darkflamix)

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» Friend
» Friend
» Friend
» Friend
» Friend
» Friend
» Friend
» Friend
» Friend
» Friend
» Friend

Close All
World's a fool and fools living in it

You fools, you know not what you have unleashed
The pain and horror has stricken a brother on an innocent angel
Do you not know what you have done
If you want me to be my true self
Justice be done
You know not how many times you have received grace but you have taken it for granted
Its time for you to pay the price
I shall let not even the tiniest evil live
I am aganist the law of this world
and am aganist this world
I gave you people power of this person so that one day you have realised your wrongdoings
Instead of repentence you have continued in your evil worlds and nearly turned this man like you
I now take back all power i have given to you
Justice be done

Song mood: Revelations

@3:23 AM

5x8 power up

I was revealed my true self on sat
I think it suprised a few people, even though it was for a short time. I showed it twice somemore
Blessed are those who has seen me and blessed are those who touched me at that time
You have felt the flame and and I have felt you
Once for all you people who havent seen was during the song "running after you" and the last song where i was standing in the 2nd role even when i surrounded by a few girls
If the Lord wills it, i might show myself this sat as well
though last sat was the last min lol

Song mood: 5x8 power up ( though i lost the melody of it)

@8:02 AM

My brothers are fools
Which true wisdom cannot touch
My sisters are noobs which is so common
What has happen to my kin while i was gone
Has so much changed less that 1 year
I was really looking forward to a nice vacation from acting and becoming my true self
But i guess it could not happen
I dont really think anyone on earth would believe the truth even it was shown to them in their face
I would have to simplify it to such an extent that todlers would understand but still some are unable to comprend such primal language

Tomorrows the walkaton
I look forward to it
Its been long since i had to do such stuff
I hope its gonna be interesting
Go my kin and spread the Gospel of God to all nations, this is your purpose
Now go

Song mood: Garden of eden

@7:55 AM

To the people out there
I have made up my mind and i will not go back on my decsion
The people whom i choose is up to my Father to choose not for my kin to choose
Know and respect my decision
I have chosen my partner, my brothers and sisters and my people accordingly and i will not change it.
My partner will be a secret to you
My bros and sis, you people know who you are
My people, arh my fav part
Its you guys and gals, from church or from sch, from contacts in and out of singapore
You peeps are my kin
And its my decision and no, i was not forced to make this decision
It has been done on my own will, what God wants is what i want

Song mood: Sing a song tonight

@9:30 AM

I just realized
I never knew i would expect water to be in such a place
Neither did i expect my base
Jesus you are one interesting person
Hoo boy, ok its time to maximise the stuff here
Its time to do rationalisation and be resourceful
Now i think i realise what my friends and parents were trying to tell me
But i have made my commitments and i will not run away
I will not disgrae my kin regardless
Neither will i be hypocrite and go aganist the Akiho code of honor
Victory to God

Song mood: The Life

@1:48 AM

Aww man parties and exams
Thank goodness my exams are almost over
I got to get some free time these days just urghh
Plans for after exams
Go on a few dates
More time with Jesus
More guitar
If you girls are lucky, i might free
and check on the gaming world once in awhile
TTYS TTFN(got that from a few friends)

Song mood: The Life

@7:35 AM


I have not agreed to be part of the church of singapore as i have no reason to settle down
I do not regard anyone as friends until they have been chosen by the Lord
You people are not that lucky
Must i remind you of your place all the time
As for my the people i chose is of no concern to anyone
My choice is what my Lord chose and i regard not your opinions
You are just advisors to me, if your word is bluff, it will be snuffed out
Whatever words you say that leads the rest down, i will strip you of your authority
Now unless you want the facts to hit you hard all the way to the bottom
I suggest you people should not be so cocky

My kin, if you do not wish to go down like the rest i suggest you turn to the Lord now
and not men. Humans are fools like chaff in the wind.
I have found no church that meets my expectation
The only church i choose is my Lord

I say to you all now as the 1st warning
Do not withold good from those who deserve it when its in your power to do so
Or i will come down upon you without mercy and burn you into ashes
You are nothing but the Lord made you something
If any of you causes anyone to do evil,
you better wish you were never born

@2:15 AM

Im sorry I took so long to come back
But im here now
Its the real fire this time
Looks like everything is still quite ok
Got nothing to chat

@6:19 AM

If i cannot find someone who can accept me for who i really am
I rather not be involved with them
The world can only see my achievements and possessions, how many who rather look at the personality?
Those who would, doesnt even match my style
The world is a fool and a fools living in it

But i will never give up and I will love everyone as great as God loves everyone, this is my promise regardless
And i will love water continuously for that is my commitment and i will not break the words i have said

For so it is said, so shall it be done

Song mood: Came to my rescue

@9:08 AM

Fire Vs Death

Ok now im gonna answer some questions in my free time
1. Are you single?
Yes i am single and im proud of it
2. Do you like anyone?
Thats for me to know and for you to find out

Ok aside from the common questions i get, Lemme ask you something
If you faced a hardship, would you cower back or would you be strengthed?

Ytd, i had a near death experience, dont worry im still alive and i havent gone home yet
Choked on my medicine, environment turned black and could not breathe, vomitted later and there im saved

2nd new stuff that happened, nearly died of suffocation and dehydration in the night. and please im still here, its nothing big. Also too much latic acid stored in my muscles causing me a torturous night.

Lastly, chest breaking experience during chinese today, darn noobie pain wasted 20 min of my time. Had to rush through for the last part unable to check finish. Stinker
Enjoyed my guitar later and now im here


@12:27 AM

I see too many noobie christians come and fall
I believe i told you all this before and you didnt take heed
You are not alone, God is always with us
If you ever want some companions, there is the church and me to talk to
You people arent on this mission alone
You are not the one who has to bear this burden by yourself
You people got the bros and sisters to help but you refuse help from them
You are all cowardly noobs, pure weaklings
Why if i was beside you i give you wake up slaps and punches until you wake up

Fools, not only the world but most of you christians whom i know from my church
You hide in your own protected shelters afraid to go out and preach the Word of God
Hypocrites you people are, you said you do things but in the end you forget
Where is your commitment, you are no better than that of the world

At first i thought i had no one to rely on, and its true i dont. But I do not turn away help and i do ask for help in times of need. This is not a sign of weakness, doing nothing is a weakness. Noobs. Asking for help is a sign of strength, it shows how much courage you have to ask for help. Are you a fool of this world, noobie christians

Wake up this aint no paradise, this is the test of life. To test our strength not some vacation, good guys never need vacations for God's work do not need rest. Has the world been saved? If not go out there and preach and save them and bring them back to Jesus. He died for a reason, and he sent us out for the reason. You ask what your purpose is, its already written in Luke 4: 43
You are disciples and followers of Christ, you have inherited what he has left you on this earth and the responsibilites as well. When you have good news, you dont keep to yourself but you spread the word out.
Fools have you lost your sense of righteousness

Some of you leaders i see have been trying to stop others when they are doing whats right. When they are full of zeal, i do not wish to point out any names, so i wont say them. Go and read proverbs 3:27
Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it is in your power to do so

You were chosen by the church to be leaders for a reason yet you arent acting as role models
You should be the one who is zealous for the Lord as well not just a follower. When you were chosen as a leader, you responsibility was to lead people to the Lord. Why then do you try to do it when you are able to do it. You yourself knows that when you try hard enough with the Lord, nothing is impossible. So what if you cant come to church, you can still evangelise,
Hardships are place in your path for a reason, its to test your strength and faith in the Lord. Look at the other christians out there, sick, stressed, pesecuted, bullyed, discriminated and you are still enjoying life. Those Christians still stood up for the Lord and tried even harder when they faced hardships, what more can you do.

Song mood: Revelations

@7:45 AM

I will not fail my purpose
Wherever a place which is not from the Lord
I will sanctify
I will be there to purify it in the Lord's name
No longer shall I let my kin suffer
I will never stand down but set the world aflame with the Word of God
I will protect my kin regardless

@4:05 AM

Xup dudettes and dudes
I wont be blogging for awhile due to personal stuff
I'll announce the winner for the best present after 5 new tags from 5 diff ppl
And praise the Lord noobies
for he has put out the forest fires for today
and I got nothing to do with it so dont say nth for nth
Song mood: Humbleness

@7:52 AM

My time with you my friends is short
Soon I will be gone from you
the moments with you i will treasure
You will no longer see me as what i am but in my true form
Thanks for today
you people will be remembered as what you are today

@8:04 AM

Sorry about the inconvience
But yesterday i was unable to post about the true colours of ACS International 3w
We were having a play for english and my group was assigned the emperor's new clothes
Guess who was the unlucky person who the class unanimously voted for
Yeah its me, after careful negoitiation, we came to agreement that i unbutton only 4 buttons
But unknown to me were the true intentions of the class
During the play, as it came for the unbuttoning, the class took out their camera phones and recorded my voice, took a video and many unsightly pics of my chest
Its so horrible i dare not even think about it
Especially the jen clownfish, IM GONNA COOK YOU FOR SUSHI
Take pictures left and right , like im some kind of international model of what
Worst of all, she attempted to pull down my shirt but only managed for the right
That is so unlady like, fail test 4, Z- for that
You got have just gone swimming with moi rather than do such an unthinkable act
after that eb was preparing to pull down my shirt but luckily due to the past unsuccessful attempts by the clownfish i was prepared and defended myself readily

Back to today, the concert was heart wenching. Dumb joy made my run around the school to find her. NOOB
The solo was quite unexpected espically the part where my amp didnt manage to amply the part where i hit the high notes. Quite sad and unexpected. It was the best part of my solo, nevermind there is always next time as this isnt the only time i performed my solos.
The choir teach was really bad to put me on probation, it really isnt good to that to Kyo, especially to Kyo
The classical wasnt so bad, who knew a lot people knew carpenter
Well i guess thats where im headed next for inspiration, just a lucky concidence
After that we went for dinner and went back to tution. I tried out some new techs whi was quite fun and i enjoyed it to a certain extent.
Tis this a life, my life
Is an average daily experiences,
I do not think i am above the rest
For its through teamwork can great things be done
Gentleman's work is never done
Neither is that for a punk
To perfect this tech
One must not be just a jack of all trades
but must master some
But to achieve what i do not have
I can only rely on God
and by his will
are all things done

Song mood: Revelations

@8:08 AM

I'll shoot down the birds of this world
The beasts that roam through the wildness of life
I will cut them down with my sword
With all the sheep all losts and scattered
I bring my shield along and try and lead them to my Master
And when the sheep is stubborn, i will cut through their hearts like a knife through butter
so that they will realise the truth
I am just a tool of my Lord
And i am pleased that i am used by Him
My Master is my Lord, my Savior, my Best Friend,
The Lord Jesus Christ
All glory goes to him rather than me

Song mood: humbleness

@8:14 AM

Ok back to normal now
Now im burning with the fire of the Lord
I will not be stop
As the amount of time i have in this life i will not stop evangelising
I will save and save until my dying breath and even then i will not stop
My descendants will continue and continue
The world must be saved before the last hour
I cant stand seeing people just walking into the gates of hell
Its too much and I will go out and save more and more
All those in the dark, i will show them the light
And all those who hate the light
I will make sure you will never have a chance to turn to darkness
I promise

And for those curious people why i turn away sometimes
it because i love you all so much that i wont let you all turn away from God

Song mood: Undying flame

@8:06 AM

Upon this day my heart aches in pain
Being torn apart in two seperate ways i cannot understand
My plans were wrong to begin with yet i cannot change them
Neither can i regret for i have lost such a emotion
Its an emptiness my heart feels
It cannot stop, my soul cries and burns
Without water to extinguish the flames i fear that it will burn uncontrollably
As anger and hatred start to burn in, love and kindness fought aganist it
The battle rages on with God on my side who can ever win me
But the pain and remains of this war is a tough and hard to endure

@6:32 AM

Im not to sure yet whether i should show my true self on my birthday
all my achievements were done using 5% and the exceptional ones where i was victorious over nationals,models and coaches were all due to using 20% of my true self
If water is there on my birthday
I shall consider revealing my true self on that day
but till that day shall you see less than a percent
Who on earth compares to the Lord God who created the heavens and earth
He who created me is greater than what i am
I am nothing not even an atom compared to him
I am his tool for him to use, not by my will but his
I live on him alone
Tis a year that passed would i have grown in comparison of 5 years
thats is my growth rate, some say i age fast others say i just my age
But my image to you all does not matter
Each of you have seen a different side of me which makes up the 5%
Soon if you're lucky, you might see 20%

Oh ya to answer david d's interest on homos
No, i hate homos, what the Lord hates i hate
If i see a homo regardless of gender, i gonna use the 1st tech that comes to mind and slam it into the noob. Even if its the deatheart tech

@6:46 AM

Now my training starts
Though i may have 100% of my true self
I still only can control up to 98.7%
Its a lot to many but i will still reach 100%
I looked out into the world through the window from my secret place
and I realised one thing
The people are pawns of the world
They were born originals now they are just carbon copies
The world needs to know about JESUS
The world needs to die and be reborn again, The world is doomed by its sins
We as christians must go out and preach and save them
regardless the cost, our status, privillages, money, friends, family
We must throw them away when we have to choose between them and Jesus
They are worthless, when we reached heaven, and we are judged righteous in the sight of God
Now thats the best treasure ever. Our friends you say is like jewels, but when you put them 1st in your life, they are dirt in heaven.
You must never let anything distract you from the truth, you must not follow them but let then follow you to God. Be the one who make the change not the one to be changed
Be changed only by God and God alone

Song mood: Sing a song tonight
Its on my podcast

@8:05 AM