Xup man
I'm sure you kind of curious about this so i will tell you
I know the reason why the world and humans fight against me and hurt me as much as possible.
Its because i dont act like you all, and i choose not be like you all
Mainly not because i am better, but because i have a better role model. That is Jesus Christ the Son of the Almighty Lord God.
I tell you this, the more i am hurt, the more i will cling on and do His will. My pain will be the extra motivation to pull me through, regardless.
And when i am not hurt, i will be even more desperate to cling on to Him for He has protected me from the dangers and rescued me from the hands of my enemies.
I can clearly say, i am an empty shell alone, but His Spirit fills me up and empowers me to do great things.
All my achievements and goals are not mine but all His.
To Him be the glory cause the process and the results are all His alone
You know, you dont need to have an IQ of 1 to know that when you get 2 options, you will choose the one which is the best. So between your plan and the Lord's. Tell me who is better.
Yours? or the Lord's.
Cause i pick the best and thats the Lord.
And to those who say you know me,
Can you say that when you know 0.1% you know everything?
If you just know my name, do you know me?
I tell you the truth, no one knows me except the Lord, if you want to know me, know the Lord.
I belong to Him and remain in Him and Him in me
John 15:5
And to the rest of you all, i will be there always for you all, only when the Lord calls me to.
Do not be deceived by the world, for we all know its decaying.
Do not follow the wiles of the foolish and be led down the path of death,
Have you not heard?
Seek ye first the kingdom of God all everything shall be added onto you. Worry not about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself
Matthew 6:34-35
Take up your cross cause the fight has begun
Are you ready to fight and win
or are you gonna run away with shame.
The choice is yours my friend
@5:39 AM
Xup man, people are you ready to be radical for the Lord
Are you ready to get serious, cause from now on its the gonna the fighters fighting
The fight just begun and my blood's running madly
Its time to prove your worth, in this battle.
I do not care what may come my way or who may be aganist me
Cause as long as i am doing His will, i need not fear anyone.
My parents, my friends, my seniors
It doesn't matter, i will fight for the Lord.
Once he gives the word, I will fight until the end until He says stop
My question is are you ready?
If you're not, follow me.
Not because im strong or am good.
I am very weak, but follow me because in my weakness, He makes me strong
I tell you this, run forth now with all your heart and might and seek Him first.
It doesn't take a strong men to lead, but it takes only a partnership with the KING OF KINGS.
If you are, come join us, cause thats where the fun starts
I tell you whatever club you go to
the hottest parties in the world,
Its shambles compared to what the Lord has in stored for you
I tell you this, strong man come and go, but those of the Lord stand firm.
We will never run, unless we are told to pull back for awhile. But we will fight and win the war.
And live this life to the fullest.
I know most pastors speak the Word from the Lord,
And i know during quiet time, you receives more knowledge and application from the Lord.
My question is, how desperate are you for the Lord's Word,
How desperate are you for Him to help.
I tell you this if you arent desperate enough, He will teach you to be.
Keep the faith and run this race
Nubian gents tomorrow
@5:58 AM
Xup man
I'm on my break after studying for my bio
So i thought i gave a little food for thought to you guys
Words of wisdom
1. Never face your challenges alone, it'll eat you up. Like a man doesnt go facing tigers without a gun. So should you never go unprepared. Wherever you go and whatever you do, call on His Name. You yourself may know this, but whether you know how to apply it. Thats the catch
2. What you learn, you must apply.
When troubles come and you got no faith. For sure you will fall. Every Word the Lord speaks is precious, for thats your sword. In Ephesians 6, take on the sword of the Spirit, the sword of the Word of God.
3. When the going gets tough, you faith gets tougher.
Dont ever forget, that it takes a lot of effort and perserverance to get great rewards. I tell you this from my own experiences, when i finish any tests that the Lord has given me. Everyone will see that it is something extraordinary, and the rewards are great. Its bettter than anything humans can give.
You people should be thankful.
From the time i was born, life was peaceful and boring.
I really dislike it,
1. All my "friends" were playing church
2. The leaders never were radical
3. Persecuted for my passion. ( you see the china people getting persecuted, turn it into the primary school scenerio and you got the pic)
4. I scored excellent without knowing who helped me.
5. I never had any adventure that the tv shows had
6. I never found any satisfaction with the girls i had
1. I got a wife promised to me( yay, glad i kept my promise)
2. I got a job to do
3. I know who is behind me all the way
4. My life is ultra tough
5. I am satisfied in the Lord alone
6. Im persecuted but i have support
Now isnt that interesting.
The reason i live is no longer because i am alive
but rather because He chose to resurrect me from the dead.( literally and spiritually)
+ more than once ( HOW COOL IS THAT)
Hey you know what i say
the past which was so boring, though i wasted time, im glad i have my Father with me now
I am now living for the right reasons. Are you?
It doesnt take much to be radical.
Its just a prayer away.
Woops, looks like my time expired
@4:09 AM
Xup man
Here I am with Him by my side
I gotta say its been kinda fun and its gonna be more fun now
Lets see gotta my chinese oral + Bio C4 tomorrow
Please pray
Anyway I want to thank pastor Daniel and sister Wanping for the effort they made in organising this bible study. Cause from pastor Daniel's side. IT ROCKS
I gotta another challenge to keep up
You guys and gals can join me if you want
In this super negative world, be the positive one in your school, family, friends, sometimes church to be frank.
Thats why im gonna be the positive one, cause Christians arent suppose to be average. Its too boring, hahahaha.
With my buddy Jesus, its wayyy more fun to be on the good side and wayyy more interesting
To all you Christians out there, if theres anything problems you have, you can talk it out with the leaders, pastors, or if you're not comfortable. You can talk to me, cause Im a good listener hahaha
We're with you all the wayyy man.
The End is near, so lets do our best to be the best that the Lord wants us to be.
I encourage you to follow us,
Though im weak and got lots of flaws,
Neither am i a good speaker, or good in anything much, but
Follow Him and follow me, causes thats the us we are
Jesus is the way, and im going that way,
Come and join me if you want
Your choice.
Its time to be radical, radical for the Lord
@6:35 AM