Xup man you know the verse that says As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
You know that this means that one person may also harm another
As iron you see part of it is broken off to make it sharper, the unwanted parts
Which if it was a human, it would mean a whole lot of pain
As a Christian, we are all gonna suffer thats 1 point
We have to suffer to grow stronger
We are gonna grow stronger as we worker together and suffer together
But through it all we are gonna grow greater in the Lord and become better tools for the Lord to use. Got it so far?
You know another thing is fear
Look im not saying that strong christians arent fearful
I am one of them yet people call me strong
Listen i know im weak, that is why i call upon the Lord
And what people see is not my own but the Lord's
If i did something right, i know that the Lord is the One who empowered me to do it
Not myself. If i tried hard, i would only achieved a certain level, but with the Lord's help. I can move mountains and command the seas.
Now listen, i dont expect you to be the perfect Christian, but i also dont expect you to be quiet when its time to fight. Who ever heard of an army who goes to battle in silence?
People shout warsongs and make loud noises. Not charge with no voices? That doesnt scare a enemy.
It gives them confidence. You know, last time i generated my own confidence but now, i dont need to generate my own. Cause the Lord's confidence empowers me, i am no longer the quiet boy who will wait upon the time. But I'll ask for the time, i will ask for the calling and i will prepare myself.
Another point is this. When you ask for something. Prepare for it.
Like when you ask for the salvation of someone. Prepare to evangelise to that person.
Prepare to witness.
Have you ever heard of warriors going into the battle with no armour?
They'll get killed.
If we call for a war, we must prepare.
You know, some of you tell me. Dont go provoking the devil. Dont go challenging them
I tell you this, just by wanting to bring salvation to your friends. You are challenging the devil and his dumb bunch.
I tell you this, We fight together against whatever that comes against the Lord regardless of who and what may come. Know that im not saying go and knock the living daylights out of someone. Im saying we got to go and conquer territories. We gotta reclaim back what is the Lord's and take back what is Ours.
If you're not gonna do it, then i will. Simple as that.
Remember guys, this life. We are in a war with the devil over the souls of this world
Unless you choose to participate, We will fight till the end. For the Lord calls on everyone, but its our choice to respond. Are you gonna be one of those who does? or will you seat back and get whacked by us.
James 4:10 (Bryan brief interpretation)
Whatever thats not for God is against God.
(Check it out yourself, the verse is similar to this)
Look people, we were put here for a reason and thats not to make merry. Cause thats what we're gonna do in heaven. But on this earth, we are gonna fight until the very end. Regardless of who or what, this is what is happening. Now's the time to take up your cross and fight. Follow the Lord with all your heart and do not give up. Each school, each piece of land you see and step on, thats what we are gonna reclaim. Each and every person you see. I tell you pray for them, be alert and get ready for who knows when the Lord will call you to evangelise.
Take heart and do not fear, for if you seek ye first the Kingdom of God, all these things shall be added onto you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow cause thats tomorrow's job. What you gotta do is just focus and dont give up.
The devil may come and attack as many times as he wants but I tell you this, We'll will keep on fighting and conquer more and more each day. Regardless of what happens. Dont hide but take heart and fight. Remember, dont let anything stop or even break your relationship with Christ cause thats more important than anything in this world. Trust Me. If you dont, ask Our Father. If you cant hear Him, choose to hear Him and Him alone. (That means Jesus!!!!!)
Xup man
This week was awesome
I was kind of tired when i wrote the last post so i apologise about that.
So far this week is still AWESOME
and glory goes to God.
I think I've learned today was focus
You know focus and help you in alot of stuff
Last time i was really bad at focusing on anything. You tell me to focus on something, and my mind will wonder off.
But its what you focus upon is important
You know, in matthew 6:33-34
It says that if you seek ye first the kingdom of God, all these things will be added onto you.
That includes everything
Like in the night rally, i was put in charge of taking care of the girls in YI with the other boys but i really wanted to worship and just let the Lord take care of it. I was feeling really bad about not dancing and singing praises. Even when the australians and the thai people could do it. It felt really wrong. So i asked the Lord what to do and I just focused upon the Lord, i didnt care the least what happened, or what will happen but i just focused on the Lord and on the Lord alone.
And He provided everything.
Security, prayer, worship, salvation, miracles and even healing of broken hearts and arguments. It was awesome.
At that time i closed my eyes and ears, didnt care about the people, the leaders, YI or anything else. I put my all my focus on the Lord and He provided everything. I was fully alert on what was happening, i could see the attacks at time. We fought back and won. Hurrah for the Lord. WOooohoooOOOooOOO.
The Lord sent dogs to patrol the whole area, protecting everyone. He blew away the smoke and the polluted air away from the place. You could clearly see that the smog stayed at one end which was around the entrance to the open air concert. It was really cool.
I prayed for the people and for one of the old lady there whom i felt really sad for. I kept praying, i even begged the Lord for her salvation. And she did get saved in the end. Hurrah with the Hurray for the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOOHOOOHOOHOHOHOO.
People whom we all prayed for were even healed, well most of them. And so many of them were so hungry too. It was totally radically awesome and All Glory goes to JESUS THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST AND TO HIM ALONE BE ALL THE GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I tell you placed your trust and your focus upon the Lord and on the Lord alone and all these things you worry about will be taken care of. You do your part and the Lord will do the rest. Simple yet hard to do with awesome rewards. You say something. Mean it. Dont go back on your word and you have the choice. Rememeber that the choice is yours and no one else. Yes there is temptations, but its your choice to choose to fall or not.
Remember failure is a sin but sin is not a failure.
Do your best and give the rest to the Lord. Not 100% if you can go past 100% than go.
Your best is you give everything you got until you got nothing left not your limit. Got it?
Well the next is who you put your focus on and you should know who.
Hey i tried buddhisim, islam, cults, taoism, confucianism and the rest of the stuff. It dont tally, you dont get anything out of it except death. Yuck
The only place i ever found satisfaction was the Lord Jesus. No joke. I tried money and stuff and it dont tally man. Even sexual and sensual pleasure it dont tally. Now i find it disgusting when it is at the wrong time with the wrong motive.
Well, if you keep your focus upon the Lord, nothing will be impossible for you. Trust me about it.
Now today i went to great world city, dont know whats so great about it. Its just a building and nothing else. Well We conquered it and dedicated it to the Lord, now we need send in the harvesters to harvest the souls. Man so much work.
Well, time to work then hahahhaha. You guys do your part and dont cause me so much trouble ya? k?
Alright keep on going.
Xup man, ok im back from the mission trip
Rank: S
Everything went according to plan,
well even as i fell sometimes.
Ok lets start with day 1 man
Day 1
Aircraft had motion sickness, didnt feel too good
Air pollution was extreamly strong there. Hard to breathe over there
Coach was fun with uno but hard to sleep and do quiet time, its was also very uncomfortable to sleep. When i reached the hotel, i think i slept, if im not wrong cause we reached it in early morning
Day 2
Work begins, we went to schools even though the first one wasn't quite as expected to be, the school was conquered in the end and if i remembered correctly, a few of the key leaders there were saved. Well, gotta praise the Lord for that. When we came back the second time after lunch, the response was much better but ian became a little popular, that i got a wee bit jealous at that moment, well i got my share but still.......you know.
Anyway after we did the third time, if im not wrong. We went to another school or the boys home, im not sure about it.
But one thing, the temples we passed, We conquered it in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Well, playing with the boys was more fun and all of them got saved, gotta praise the Lord for that.
Day 3
We went to more schools, i think it was a catholic one this time or another buddhist one, i cant remember, but we saved it.
Wait, now i remember, it was a buddhist one if im not wrong.
Ian got popular again but with the auzzies this time.
Catholic one was less response from what i saw. Though buddist ones were more receptive. Or wait, i think i didnt count so cant really tell. But in the catholic one, the boys were very friendly and invited me into their circle without a single thought, yeah i got to know some of them well but i forgotten their names. Whoops, sorry bout that.
In the night, we had a night rally in the udontani village, i think everyone got healed but one thing cool was that. The ex monk that was healed and saved was called to be one of my partners or teammates whatever you guys call it, in the near future. Well at least i know one of the people who will lead thailand to Jesus. Now how cool is that.
Oh ya, and as we prayed walk around the village pillar, it started to crack and that was this huge crack appearing in on the village pillar in the middle of the funny thai words.
Also we gave out tracks before that and we entered a temple to give tracks to the monk though only one monk out of the 2 monks we met accepted the track.
Just for you to know, there were only 4 monks in the temple praying.
Another thing was that the monks and the buddhist people were praying against us.
Irritating isnt it? But the presence of God was there and almost all got healed. I could feel it but i dont know how many others felt it too. Cause the kids felt it when We passed them.
Day 4
I remember going to some more schools but i cant really remember what happen then. But in the night rally. We went to another village to give out tracks and there was less healings but there was a guy who showed a lot of faith, now thats school
First there was a little kid who had some funny unknown disease and had a open wound in his head. Well you know i dont like open wounds nor funny stuff, so we prayed against it and he got healed. Then there was this guy with a heart disease who was also a christian but we prayed against it and he got healed. Now there was this guy, really good guy. He was blind due to HIV. We prayed for him and his HIV was gone but not his blindness from what i saw. When We prayed for him, i felt 2 strings in his heart suddenly snapped. I dont know what was that but if the Lord snapped it. Good for him. After that, he could open his eyes bigger and see a bit from what i believe not all but just a wee bit. We invited him to church and he did came.
Bad things was i had started to hold personal dislike against wanxin, john, jason, jiehau and ian. Well its my fault for sinning and not doing my best.
Other good points is that i met some people from lyn's team, dont know whether i spelt it right, but yeah, it was good working with them. Then we went to dedicate pi joy's house to the Lord, and that was cool i think. hahahahha. Once when we were praying, the mic had problems and it irritated me so much that i commanded it " SILENCE IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!" and instantly it was silenced. Now how cool is that
Ok back to day 5
We went tesco which was a shopping mall. There was a lack of translators so i had to learn how to share Christ in thai from sze en. Also i had a bad supressing spiritual atta,ck on me so i had to keep on praying. At that time, it was kinda hard tot hear from the Lord unfortunately. We gave out tracks and yeah i got give credit for xiang xiang for being hungry for God's work. Good job man, but you aint getting that outta my mouth. After that i went evangelising with jiehau's group then we met a fortune teller, a former sister. It was kinda sad that she did not want to go back to the Lord. Later, i went with wanxin's group and we evangelised to a handphone shop lady but her heart was cold, so sad and that was too bad man. Ok then i woke up. We went for lunch after that at kfc, though i still dislike kfc so dont ever think about it. Oh ya breakfast we went to a new place with an awesome recipe for bread and butter with sugar. But i only had one piece of bread and 1 small piece of pork. Now afterwards i went down with sze en and joshua, then we saw some monks. I was all ready to attack, so we charged but by the time i reached there, they disappeared and ended up in ian's and jono's hands. Aw man i wanted to attack the monks.
Later we shared to a teenage couple, where the girl received Christ and went to church after that, it was kinda cool i guess, the first time in the whole day which i saw a person coming to Christ. Then we passed by a tire shop, where i shared Christ for the first time without a translator which was uber cool and nice. Well the guy received Christ and said that he would come to church but i didnt see him so i leave it to pastor thung( may be wrong spelling)
Yeah after that joshua shared and it was the first time i heard his testimony and it was really cool i guess. Cant say it wasnt. After that when we were leaving, Pastor Thung's daughter was missing and i actually begged the Lord to reveled to us where she was. So the first place was the cinema, but she wasnt there. The second place was the supermarket where we found her with one of the sisters, cant remember who but found her.
Oh ya the movie godman was played for the 9th time i think.
In the night,we went to do street e, though it was great. It was very tiring but we kept on fighting and conquered many areas for Him.
Day 6
Church day, went in had fun. Though all the songs were in thai but when i focused upon the Lord, I could actually understand what they were saying and respond in english. Now how cool is that man. After that i saw the girl in the shopping center and the blind guy in church. Now that was mainly AWESOME!!! And all glory goes to Him and Him alone. After that we went to the idol garden to break the strongholds and cast out all evil spirits. It was cool, though it was the longest i think it was a 3 hours battle i had. Wow, it was just hard, every statue i passed, i prayed and broke it. I dont know how many were with me but i could feel the Lord's peace with me at that time. It was totally radical man. Yeah we conquered the whole place and the shopping center. Yeah it was great. After that we had dinner and went off.
Day 7
We visited a prison and that was totally radical as many of them got saved. And you know, i can repeat the sermon a thousand times but if that the Lord's will, still many will get saved and none will get bored. Yeah pastor daniel preached that night.
After that we went to another school which we did skit in the class, there was this guy called tom who was also a translator who shared his testimony with the whole group and they all got saved. But the highlight was the later part where i saw a guy on a motorbike ready to leave school. So i called pastor thung to come and help translate. But this time i was led with the spirit and shared more than i was taught to share and the guy on the bike listened carefully and i could see the tears that were coming out of his eyes when i shared. It was an awesome experience. That time i think the Lord used me to train that guy to be a radical Christian. I think he broke my record. I took 15 years to be radical, while that guy took 3 minutes to be radical. Hahahahaha.
Oh ya and the bus driver that drove us around? Ian and i shared Christ with him and he received Christ. That was super cool. And erm, lets see. Afterwards we went to prayer walk the city pillar and yeah we conquered it. Just to let you guys know, we conquered the whole nongkai, not saved it but conquered it. Well the parts where we went to and yeah the whole nongkai. Whether you see or not. Didnt save it cause of my fault for being human so oh well. Saved more people and yeah. We also conquered the government building and saved many people on the way there.
During the night concert, it was weird but i prayed really hard and focused on God. We broke the stupid idol altar and started the concert. It was really funny but disturbing as well . Yeah. Ok so the girls got scared due to the people coming in. Slap them cause fear that is not of God is against God, and that they did not rely wholly upon the Lord. So after We prayed, the Lord sent dogs to come and guard the whole place, not the small ones but the really big ones, it was super cool.
Then many people were leaving so i prayed really hard against the air pollution and against the evil spirits. The air pollution was held at bay, We cut down an evil spirit on a woman persuading people to live. And i was also praying really hard for a receptive ah por to be saved and in the end she was. Though we had little time, the people were really still very hungry, it was awesome.
We left for bangkok, slept in maxx hotel. Shopped the next day though i couldnt find anything of use. I felt like i had everything so nothing really bothered me so yeah thats what i've learned. ope you will have a great time serving. Give out the rest of the details tomorrow. As for now,